A computer animator is someone who painstakingly conveys the emotions of the characters and the communication with them using meticulous frameworks. In other words, they are known as virtual puppeteers.

Everyone who is involved in author animation is sure to invent something, coming up with their own shooting technology – such is the profession. And it does not matter, the author of the cartoon on the computer or do all his hands. Sometimes these inventions are not visible to the viewer: the artist himself needs them to turn out the way he wants. And sometimes they strike the imagination. For manual techniques, perhaps the most important and visible discoveries are made in three areas: how the image itself is made, what becomes the background for it, and how the animation itself, that is, the movement, is made. As for digital technology, the main innovation so far is VR – virtual reality, where it is not the animation technique itself that matters, but how the viewer watches the movie.

Perhaps digital technology is changing the fastest. But in most cases, the viewer does not notice the endless improvements in computer graphics that allow you to make textures of fluffy clouds, the sun-drenched sea or “live” human skin, or to draw a huge army in the film so that no one will think that it is not real. At the same time in “digital” techniques that completely change the approach to animation do not appear very often.